IRTP chose the Next Gen. DTH solution using DVB-NIP via Eutelsat satellite capacity in partnership with the Skyflow partner ecosystem. Combining the efficiency of broadcast networks for large-scale content distribution to homes and IP devices across the country, the innovative DVB-NIP satellite streaming solution enables all citizens in Peru to access information, entertainment and educational content, even in the most remote regions of the country.
Mexican pay-TV platform StarTV wanted to create a TV package that the majority of households in the country could afford. They faced the daunting challenge of launching a new DTH pay-TV platform with an attractive content offering, which had to include more than the 20 channels they previously had, and at an affordable price.
L'objectif de Tambarin Hausa Television (TTV) est de promouvoir la culture et la langue haoussa à travers le monde. En s'appuyant sur la puissance et la large couverture du satellite EUTELSAT 7B, TTV propose partout en Afrique des services audiovisuels numériques destinés aux communautés de langue haoussa.
81% of satellite TV homes in Tanzania are entertained by AZAM TV. Powered by Eutelsat, AZAM TV has grown to reach 1.4 million homes and is the broadcaster of choice for Tanzania. However, AZAM TV faced many challenges. Find out how AZAM, a new operator in a highly competitive market, became the major player in Tanzanian broadcasting.
France 24 is an international news channel giving a French perspective on international news to audiences globally. They chose satellite as a major pillar of their distribution strategy and today have a massive audience of 355 million households worldwide.
Lorsque la Rai, le télédiffuseur national italien, a planifié le lancement de la première chaîne Ultra HD du pays en 2016, il a dû décider d’un mode de fourniture du service dans les foyers du pays tout entier. Elle a été convaincue par la grande capacité du satellite, sa couverture de bon rapport coût-efficacité et sa capacité à transmettre un signal 4K de qualité élevée et constante sur l’ensemble de sa zone de couverture
Swiss TV audiences demand a wide variety of channels in their different languages. However, this has proved challenging for cable access in a country where more than 50% of the territory is covered in mountains and woodlands. Satellite is the only option for the households in these regions. Kabelio's new DTH platform offers Swiss viewers access to the content they want, no matter where they may be.
Walesi, la société d'infrastructure de télévision numérique du gouvernement fidjien, a connecté 333 îles très éparpillées à l'aide du nouveau satellite à grande capacité EUTELSAT 172B, garantissant ainsi à tous ses citoyens un accès à la télévision numérique.
Cyfrowy Polsat, Poland’s largest media and telecommunications platform, and the Polish Chamber of Digital Broadcasting (PIRC), discuss how Building Regulations in Poland have helped to create more choice of TV packages and channels for people living in residential buildings.
Despite the interest, passion and dedication of its viewership, eSports has yet to truly enter as a mainstream sport. Efforts from ESR and Eutelsat are set to challenge this status-quo and position eSports as a social viewing activity for generations to come - and satellite has presented an opportunity to do so.
Lors de sa création en 2005, Tricolor TV a été confrontée à un défi de taille : comment atteindre les foyers situés dans le vaste territoire de la Russie occidentale avec une offre de télévision innovante et bon marché dans un pays où de nombreux foyers recevaient encore la télévision analogique et où la TNT avait du mal à décoller.
iNET Communications and 19Labs use the Eutelsat ADVANCE satellite broadband solution to bring medical services to communities across Guyana.
Neptune Communications' suite of new services, provided across highly resilient satellite and mobile infrastructures and entirely independent from existing terrestrial networks, are designed to support the region's most important connectivity requirements.
Eutelsat and long-term partner Telespazio provide quality connectivity to the remote regions of the Amazon rainforest. Through Eutelsat’s 117 WEST B satellite and Telespazio’s infrastructure coverage of these previously unreachable areas became possible.
The Statsraad Lehmkuhl needs to be constantly connected - while at sea or docking into one of the 36 different ports around the world. It’s a challenge that most connectivity solutions could not overcome.
Dans le cadre de sa mission visant à faire de la Guyane un pays plus connecté, iNet Communications a travaillé en collaboration avec Eutelsat pour faire venir le haut débit jusqu’aux éco-lodges, via le réseau satellitaire.
Mattel, opérateur de téléphonie mobile, a choisi la technologie par satellite pour connecter les citoyens des villes et des villages de la Mauritanie et proposer une solution intégrée à la hauteur des attentes de leurs clients.
Le fournisseur d'accès Internet par satellite, Caribsat, explique comment il utilise IP Easy pour offrir une connectivité Internet directe aux entreprises et aux écoles des Caraïbes.
With intelligent use of satellite connectivity, portable technology and networking, iNet brings fully scalable internet, voice and data connectivity to Guyana's mining community.
La société Failsafe Controls conçoit des panneaux de commande industriels pour l'industrie du pétrole et du gaz. Ces panneaux transmettent des informations depuis les sites distants jusqu’au bureau central des clients, ce qui permet à ces derniers d'analyser les données entrantes et de rationaliser leurs opérations.
The Consorzio di Bonifica delle Marche is the public entity responsible for the operations and safety of waterways in the Marche region of Italy. By using Eutelsat’s advanced satellite solutions, the Consorzio di Bonifica delle Marche gained 99% network availability to connect, optimise and operate their remote operations in a region notorious for poor connectivity.
Panasonic Avionics explain how advances in satellite technology are enabling airlines to offer new IFEC services to passengers.
When Unicom Air Net wanted to deploy an inflight communications network to provide broadband internet services to mobile platforms, they chose EUTELSAT 172B.
Télécoms Sans Frontières (TSF) est la première ONG internationale au monde spécialisée dans les nouvelles technologies et les télécommunications en situation de crise humanitaire.